The Whale Gusher 10 manual bilge pump in the process of being rebuilt |
I purchased two different rebuild kits, one for the pump, and one for the deckplate. Both of these kits came from Defender, the widely-known chandlery located in the state of Connecticut, U.S.A. Just for the record, I should mention that pump rebuild kit was the AK3706 (Neoprene) for the Mark 2/3 Whale Gusher 10 pump.
Throughout the rebuild, I used the online diagram supplied by Whale Marine. This is a company based in Northern Ireland.
The parts for this pump were few and simple.
I had saved all of the old parts from my disassembly and cleaning of the pump, just in case I needed them for use or for reference.
One thing I had not addressed directly during my disassembly and cleaning was the outlet valve plate. This part, as it turned out, I needed to reuse.
Therefore, I started by cleaning it up.
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