Galley, Counter Extensions, Part 2: Constructing and Dry-Fitting

Galley counter extensions supported by low-stretch lines
After a lot of research and thought on the subject of counter extensions, I decided that I would not build hinged counter extensions for Oystercatcher, my Ericson 25, as had many other Ericson 25 owners. To me, hinged counter extensions required a considerable sacrifice in terms of their size. I wanted countertops that were fully functional not diminutive counter tops that made cramped conditions seem even more cramped.
Therefore, I decided to build counter extensions that would be supported by mahogany cleats on one end and high-tech, low-stretch sail lines on the other end, sail lines that would be clipped into hardware supported by G-10 backing plates on the sidedecks and cabin top.

I initially designed the counter extensions to be bolted through the mahogany cleats. I figured they needed these through-bolts for security. It turned out that they did not. The bolts themselves (without the nuts) provided plenty of stability. This approach made it much easier to set-up and remove the counter extensions. What was once a five-minute job became a 30 second job.

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