--PRICELIST-- ---MY BOAT--- -1978- -2012- -1978- -2012-
E/25 C/B, with Mainsail/Jib 14,225 49,985 14,225 49,985
1 Auxiliary Engine Available
2 Battery, secondary 80 281
3 Bat1ery Charger, Lewco #122 ACD 345 1,212
4 Berth Extension w/cushion 190 668 190 668
5 Bilge Pump, electrical 150 527
6 Bilge Pump, manual; Whale Gusher 200 703 200 703
7 Boom Vang (block and tackle type) 95 334
8 Bow Eye 36 126 36 126
9 Bow Pulpit 120 422 120 422
10 Carpet, shag 140 492
11 Chrome Hardware 65 228 65 228
12 Cockpit Cushions (2) 130 457
13 Color other than white - Hull 65 228
14 Color other than white - Deck 30 105
15 Commissioning 350 1,230 350 1,230
16 Contrasting Non-Skid 130 457 130 457
17 Cowl Vent, 3" 72 253
18 Curtains, comp1ere w/piping 145 510 145 510
19 Cushions, 4 36 126
20 Cushions, deluxe fabric 110 387 110 387
21 Cushions, loose style 350 1,230
22 Dinette Table, deluxe solid teak 160 562
23 Dockside Power - 110 volt 345 1,212 345 1,212
24 Double-Head Rig Assembly 410 1,441
25 Electrical, complete 425 1,493 425 1,493
26 Galley stove, countertop 145 510
27 Handrails, cabin top 114 401 114 401
26 Hardrails, interior overhead 57 200
29 Head w/door - Handihead 375 1,318
30 Head w/door - Raritan (r,d)* 910 3,198
31 Head w/door - Raritan (r,d,o)* 1,055 3,707
32 Head w/door - Raritan (h,d)* 630 2,214
33 Head w/door - Raritan (h,d,o)* 795 2,794 795 2,794
34 Lifelines, w/pelican hook gates 340 1,195 340 1,195
35 Mast Hoist Assembly, Tabernacle 365 1,283 365 1,283
36 Mast Tabernacle 150 527
37 Masthead Light 67 235 67 235
38 Racing Rig 175 615
39 Reaching Strut Assembly 150 527
40 Ports, extra 2 forward (opening) 90 316
41 Ports, extra 2 forward (fixed) 75 264
42 Sheer Stripe 85 299 85 299
43 Shipping Cradle (C/B model) 272 956
44 Shipping Cradle (Keel model) 272 956
45 Spinnaker Gear, complete 500 1,757
46 Spreader Lights 95 334
47 Stern Pulpit 170 597
48 Trailer, Trailrite Available
49 Trailer, EZ Loader Available
50 WaterTank, additional (forward) 85 299
------ ------
18,107 63,628
* r - recirculating tank
h - holding tank
d - dockside discharge
o - overboard discharge
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